Monday, February 13, 2012

Bearing Fruit

Christmas came and went, and now it's almost Valentine's Day. Christmas felt so busy last year, but after stepping back and thinking about all that happened, I can see that God was working and using every event I was part of to advance His Kingdom.

One of the highlights of Christmas for me was seeing our new believers bearing fruit and growing in their faith. During an evangelistic Christmas party, two of our new believers explained the events surrounding Jesus' birth to the guests at our party. We needed a little help with translation and they stepped up to the plate. They were also the driving force behind our community Christmas fair, which was another attempt to get to know the people in the neighborhood around the church. As you can see from one of my pictures, our cell group also sang some special songs in the Christmas service. It was neat to see everyone work together to proclaim the message of Christmas to those who've never heard it before.

Last weekend, a small group of people from my church went to the House of Hope orphanage, which is near the border with Myanmar. It was such an amazing experience. The children have come out of very humble circumstances and are so thankful for everything they have. They said thank you for taking time to visit them, for cooking for them, for playing games with them, and for giving them gifts. Money was recently raised to build beds for the boys, and our cell group had the opportunity to donate sheets.

The woman who takes care of the children told me that when she asked the kids about their fears, many said they are afraid of not having food to eat. I've taken so much for granted in my life, and hearing that is such a powerful reminder that I need to be thankful for everything God has given me, including food to eat each day. At House of Hope, the kids don't have to worry about whether or not they'll have food each day, but one little boy still eats a lot at every meal. He's used to having to eat all he can when there's food to eat.

One of our new believers was so moved by spending time with the kids and she had to stop several times while sharing a testimony with them because she was so overwhelmed by emotion. I believe God is putting a burden in her heart to make a difference in these children's lives. It's awesome to see God working in her life.

The trip was incredible. The children are so loveable. You can see that they love God and depend on Him for everything. They're truly grateful for everything they're given. Visiting House of Hope is such a humbling and rewarding experience.

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